
Monday, 8 July 2013

I love Ice-Cream!

Ok, so  I haven't posted in about 3 weeks.... sorry about that. But in those 3 weeks I spent 2 weeks in Mallorca and it was amazing! I also have lots of cool nail designs on my camera i still have to take off :)
So all of these ones are from ages ago, hope you like them!

My favorite is the cupcake and tuxedo! 

I was messing with different patterns at the time, but i think the polka dots work best :)

I drew this on the Ipad with an app called 53 and I love doodling on it!

Hope you are all having a great summer!, the weather is great in Wexford and my friends and I are having a lot of days at the beach! :D


  1. Thank you for becoming my first ever reader on my blog~♡

    your nails are amazing! I love the last one, the colours and the patterns are just beautiful :)

    1. Thank you! I loved reading your blog! xox

  2. Ah the nails with the cupcakes and tuxedo... too cute! You should do a tutorial, that would be awesome :-)


I would love to hear all your thoughts :D, don't be afraid to comment!